Our blog contains posts from our Minister Mark Humm, and other guests.
Everyone is welcome to join us for Easter at Godstone Baptist Church.
Celebrate Christmas in 2023 with Godstone Baptist Church this year, with the following events happening over December.
The start of this parable was shocking to Jesus’ listeners and should be shocking to us also. A fFather had two sons – so far nothing unusual about that, but the youngest asks for his half of his Father’s estate…
I am usually fairly good at remembering people’s names, but there have been occasions when someone’s name has completely gone out of my head. One of those times happened when someone who I had known for many many years asked me to pray for them. As I started to pray my mind went blank …
During Holy Week, we approach three significant events – Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Day.
I recently saw a video of someone who thought God was called Howard. When questioned about it she explained that we are told to pray, “Our Father, Howard be your name…”. I doubt that this was genuine as ‘Hallowed’ and ‘Howard’ don’t really sound the same but it did make me chuckle …
My surname has lent itself to a few nicknames in the past, particularly when I was growing up! Hummie, Hummus, Markus Hummus Aurelius and The Hummster are some that I recall, they were just for fun and carried little meaning.
This week we are going to focus on ‘FEET’ as we reflect on another picture within the Psalms, this time what God does with us when we place our faith in Him.
I recently read a poll entitled the ‘Best Smells in the World’. Number one was hard to argue against as it was fresh air. However, RAIN and FRESHLY CUT GRASS did make it into fifth and ninth place respectively. And this image forms the basis for our reflection this week …
I recently read a poll entitled the ‘Best Smells in the World’. Number one was hard to argue against as it was fresh air. However, RAIN and FRESHLY CUT GRASS did make it into fifth and ninth place respectively. And this image forms the basis for our reflection this week …