Godstone Village Fete & Donkey Derby
Bank holiday Monday 28th August: 11am- 5:00pm
Godstone Baptist’s Oasis Coffee Shop will be there featuring home made cakes and sandwiches, tea and coffee and ice cold drinks.
Come over and find out about the films showing this Autumn at our community cinema and other events hosted by the church.
Fetes in Godstone started in 1943, were held in the grounds of Godstone Court (now demolished and developed into Court Road and Dewlands) and raised funds for the British Legion.
In the 1950’s the annual August Bank Holiday fete was held on the Green and has done so each year since. John Vaughan, a British Legion stall wart and founder of the Village Forum, was involved.
The present fete raises funds for village organisations, provides a venue for village societies to raise money for themselves, and provides much fun and entertainment for the public.
This year there’ll be lots of things happening including: Bouncy Castle, Dog Show, Punch & Judy, Giles Musical Organ, Coconut Shy, Variety of Stalls, Jazz Band & Ice Cream!