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Random Acts of Kindness (Page 12)

You have never really lived until you have done something for someone who can never repay youIn the run-up towards Easter, our church made the courageous decision to make the 40 days of Lent about others and not about ourselves.

We signed up to the ‘40Acts’ initiative and committed to an act of kindness each day towards those we know and those we don’t.

We had some great stories to share.

One lady carried the bags of a struggling pensioner up a hill, confessing to us later that she hoped that the lady in question actually wanted to go up that particular hill!

Another young lady took pity on a young mum with a tantrum toddler behind her in Macdonald’s. When she presented that mum with a free meal, the lady just broke down in tears and asked for some prayer!

I made it my goal to give up my seat on the packed 7:12 am train from Caterham each week. In every case, the ladies I offered it to were so shocked they didn’t know how to respond!

Isn’t that all a bit telling?
Do we live in a world where this sort of thing is so unusual that people are emotionally traumatized or rendered speechless?!
Doesn’t it also tell us that you don’t have to make grandiose gestures to change someone’s day- just a simple act of compassion can be very powerful.

The bible says:

“The Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” Galations. 5:22-23

It’s something that grows in people who are slowly, but surely, being transformed by the presence and the power of God in their lives.

Imagine a village where…

  • People look out for each other.
  • Where we all ‘Pay it Forward’ (See the film of the same name!)
  • Where success is measured in selfless acts.
  • Where kindness is the philosophy of life.

What would happen to the house prices in such a place! Maybe next Lent we should make this a village-wide initiative, not just a church-wide one?

Well, lent is over. Easter (that reminder of God’s selfless kindness to us all) has come and gone. But does that mean we stop demonstrating this fruit of the spirit? I don’t think so. I’m hoping our 40 days will turn into a lifetime of counter-cultural kindness. And if you need any more incentive, let me leave you with a little nudge from Jesus himself…

“I’m telling the solemn truth: Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me – you did it to me.”Matthew 25:40

Rev Phil Hughes.

once upon a time
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