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Emotionally Healthy? (Page 13)

Right now everything at church is focused on our Autumn Campaign, the ‘Emotionally Healthy Spirituality’ (EHS) Course, by Peter Scazzero.

It’s a bit of a mouthful, but it’s based on a very important principle. You cannot become spiritually mature while remaining emotionally immature.

That explains why many of us hit a wall when it comes to spiritual development and relational maturity. Ever wondered why your relationships are a bit turbulent, or a bit distant? Ever lay awake at night wondering why you struggle to stay close to God?

Your emotional maturity will always dictate how well you can relate to others and to God.

If Christianity is a relationship rather than a religion (and it really is!), then our emotional maturity is going to affect how far we can go in achieving what Jesus regarded the most important thing in life – namely ‘loving God and loving others’. (Matt 22:36-40).

EHS Book

EHS Book

We’ve created some small groups for you to join, bought some devotional material for you to read, and some Sunday messages for you to reflect on.

We start on Sunday October 4th. We hope you’ll join us on this journey to become people who know how to love well and live life to the full.

Contact Phil if you’d like to know more, or pick up the book. ‘Emotionally Healthy Spirituality’: Grand Rapids 2006, By Peter Scazzero.

And, watch the video below for further information.