If you are reading this and happen to have a coin in your pocket or nearby, feel free to grab it and give it a flip! Heads or Tails? Which way did it land? I wonder if you called it right? ‘Right’ being the side that is seen, its face up and it’s the one you called!
Now, let’s just say the ‘Heads’ side is facing up, it can clearly be seen, it’s visible, its right there, but this doesn’t mean that the ‘Tails’ side has miraculously disappeared. It’s just hidden, it’s still there on the other side, against your palm, but it just can’t be seen. It struck me as I was reading Psalm 59:16 how this simple picture of a coin flip is relevant to us as we place our faith in Jesus.
Here’s what it says:
“I will sing about your power.
Each morning I will sing with joy about your unfailing love.
For you have been my refuge,
a place of safety when I am in distress.”Psalm 59:16[NLT]
There are times in my life when I am full of joy and feel blessed, when I am singing praises to God about his unfailing love and my worship and adoration is overflowing for Him. When I’m enjoying being alive and being able to know Jesus.
BUT there are other times when I am feeling troubled and distressed and anxious. When I am low and full of worry. In those times God is my place of refuge, my place of safety. It’s not loud exclamation but a whisper of help.
You see, two reactions – one being PRAISE and one being REFUGE.
Two sides of the same coin.
In those times when I am praising God and thanking him, I also know that I can look to God in my times of refuge as well. Equally, in those times when I am feeling distressed and worried, am I still able to sing his praises? We need to be both sides of the coin at the same time. That is what a mature Christian is.
One may be more visible than the other, but they are both still there.
It’s possible to show one side but be feeling the other.
Which side is more visible for you in this moment? Which side do you feel?
Know that in both – Heads or Tails, Praise or Refuge…
God is for you
God is with you
God loves you
God is holding you.
His Power is at work in you.
And that is flippin’ wonderful!!
Why not read the verse again and let the Lord speak to you.
– Mark