Here you can find all of our Sermons. Sermons are organised by speaker, series and biblical book. Most of our sermons are audio, but we occasionally link to videos.
Transformed: Week 6, Financial Health.
Look to God to help with your relational needs.
Look to God to meet all your emotional needs.
Look to God to meet your mental needs.
Look to God to meet all your physical needs – rest your body, refocus your spirit & recharge your emotions.
The further away you get from God, the more your life is troubled. The closer you get to God, the more your life is transformed.
An introduction to the Transformed series. Doing makes a difference, just believing doesn’t.
There’s something about superheroes that captures our imagination., but can we just be ourselves?
There’s something about superheroes that captures our imagination. What would you sacrifice to save something?
There’s something about superheroes that captures our imagination. What’s your personal kryptonite?