Here you can find all of our Sermons. Sermons are organised by speaker, series and biblical book. Most of our sermons are audio, but we occasionally link to videos.
There’s something about superheroes that captures our imagination. What’s your superpower?
There’s something about superheroes that captures our imagination. Join us in this new series!
Christian Essentials – join us in the seventh talk of our ‘Essential’ series, this week we discuss mission.
Christian Essentials – join us in the sixth talk of our ‘Essential’ series, this week we discuss mentoring & discipleship.
Christian Essentials – join us in the fifth talk of our ‘Essential’ series, this week we discuss suffering, and the example of Job.
Christian Essentials – join us in the fourth talk of our ‘Essential’ series, where we talk about discipleship.
Christian Essentials – join us in the third talk of our ‘Essential’ series, where we talk about praying for one another.
Christian Essentials – join us in the second talk of our ‘Essential’ series, where we talk about caring for one another.
Christian Essentials – When it comes to having a servant heart, which road do we travel? Join us in our new series!
What’s in name? Everything! Is God always in control – join us in this final talk of the series.