Here you can find all of our Sermons. Sermons are organised by speaker, series and biblical book. Most of our sermons are audio, but we occasionally link to videos.
Biblical Text:
There’s something in us that wants to leverage God and his power for our end. We all try to get God in on our thing. We try to bargain with him through prayer, church attendance, giving, or short-term obedience. We promise to do what we think he wants us to do, if he will do what we want. In the Easter story, Judas was like that. He tried to get Jesus to do what he wanted, without regard for Jesus’ ministry and mission. That may seem ridiculous, but there’s a little Judas in all of us.
In the days and weeks preceding the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, the high priest Caiaphas found his way into the story. He had an opportunity to stand in the presence of the Savior of the world, but refused to abandon his quest for control and surrender to his Creator. It’s easy to dismiss Caiaphas as a fool. But we’re also prone to resisting God and putting something else in his place.
The final talk in our Disciple series – what does Love require of us?
Biblical Text: Luke 4:16-22
Part 7 in our Disciple series. We all like loopholes. They’re our way of getting around rules or laws. Looking for them comes naturally; nobody has to teach us. We’re always searching for them. Christians love loopholes too, as do all religious people. Every religion has a book or list, and every religion has scholars to help people get around actually doing the stuff written in those books or lists. Religion gives you a belief system that you don’t really follow; when it gets difficult, you find an escape clause.
The sixth talk in our Disciple series – focusing today on one of the parables that Jesus taught – the Parable of The Lost Son.
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