Here you can find all of our Sermons. Sermons are organised by speaker, series and biblical book. Most of our sermons are audio, but we occasionally link to videos.
Sermon begins: 48m 35s.
Sermon begins: 51m 00s. Biblical Text: Luke 2:8-16
Sermon begins: 36m20s. Biblical Text: Luke 2:8-11
Sermon begins: 1hr 48m 25s. Biblical Text: Luke 2:1-20
Sermon begins: 53m00s. Biblical Text: Luke 2:1-14
Sermon begins: 41m30s Testimonies begin: 1:10:40 Biblical Text: Supporting media: This is video was played towards the end of the sermon.
Sermon begins: 49m26s. Biblical Text: Joshua 5:13-6:27
Sermon begins: 41m50s. Biblical Text: Joshua 3:1-17
Sermon begins: 41m25s. Biblical Text: Joshua 2:1-11