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All Change! Living in uncertain times (Page 11)

1600 B.C. Chariot Invented Max. Speed 20 M.P.H.
1784 A.D. English Mail Coach Max. Speed 10 M.P.H.
1825 A.D. First Steam Loco Max. Speed 10 M.P.H.


1880 A.D. Steam Loco Attains 100 M.P.H.
1938 A.D. Airborne man flies at 400 M.P.H.
1962 A.D. First man in space at a speed of 18000 M.P.H.

FROM 100 TO 18000 M.P.H. IN LESS THAN 100 YEARS!

Change just seems to get faster and more unpredictable doesn’t it? Referendums are changing decades old political boundaries. Political parties that looked formidable one day find themselves looking vulnerable the next.

Rapid change also brings uncertainty into our personal lives, we’ve seen huge changes in working practices (zero-hour contracts), social institutions (marriage), and even the way we relate and communicate (social media).

Avoiding any sort of judgement about these, the simple fact is that the world is changing fast. As one astute comedian once said; “change is inevitable, except of course from a vending machine”.

Does all this change make you feel like the late Duke of Cambridge who said in 1800, “Any change, at any time, for any reason, is to be deplored!” ?

Many flee to the church, in times of change, assuming that it’s a safe haven. I have some bad news for you. The church is in the change business too. Its aim is to see every aspect of a person and their relationships transformed. “The church is not a museum for saints, but a hospital for sinners.” (Morton T Kelsey).

So in the midst of all this change and uncertainty, where is your security? Only one thing does not change. Everything else needs to change, because everything else isn’t perfect yet. You’re not! So you need to change.

There’s only one thing that is perfect and therefore only one unchanging & secure place. His name is Jesus Christ.

‘Jesus Christ; the same yesterday, today & forever’ Hebrews 13:8

If you find your ultimate security in relationships, economics, politics or even the church, you’re in trouble. They are all fallible. They are all human.

Jesus never promised a change-free life. What he said was that he will be as faithful, loving, forgiving and gracious to you tomorrow as he is today, and that he would walk with you through all the changes and uncertainties of life and never leave your side. Why don’t you make him your place of security in a world of change!

Beauty in Brokenness (c) Barn Owl Primitives, LLC.
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