Here you can find all of our Sermons. Sermons are organised by speaker, series and biblical book. Most of our sermons are audio, but we occasionally link to videos.
This is that time of year when we become painfully aware of where we are not, who we are not, and what we need to do differently. Traditionally, the New Year is a season of self-absorption. It’s all about what we can do to make ourselves better people. The result is that churches, health clubs, […]
Biblical Text: John 1:1-9
If we are to nurture a heart that treats every person, ourselves included, as a “Thou” instead of an “It” (see Grow into an emotionally mature adult), we need to be intentional about our lives. By ordering our lives to contemplate the love of Christ and to receive the love of Christ, we will be able to give the love of Christ away to others.
The goal of the Christian life is to love well. Jesus was aware that true spirituality included not only loving God, but also the skill of loving others maturely. Growing into an emotionally mature Christian person includes experiencing each individual, ourselves included, as sacred, or as Martin Buper (a twentieth century philosopher & religious thinker) put it, as a “Thou” rather than as an “It”.
We live in a 24/7 world, but that’s not how humans are created to operate. Today’s message looks at some ancient spiritual disciplines designed to bring a godly rhythm back into our lives and help us achieve a balance between doing and being, activity and reflection.
Our ability to grow as disciples and human beings depends on our response to grief and loss. Jesus was fully God, but also fully human, and he models for us the struggle and the treasures available for anyone brave enough to face ‘loss’ God’s way.
Emotionally healthy spirituality requires that you go through the pain of the Wall- or, as the ancients called it, “the dark night of the soul.” Just as a physical wall stops us from moving ahead, God sometimes stops us in our spiritual journey through a spiritual Wall in order to radically transform our character. Often, we are brought to the Wall by circumstances and crises beyond our control.
Biblical Text: John 4:27-30